Tuesday, August 10, 2010

The Omar Thornton Shootings Show Us Racism Is Here To Stay

The mass murders committed by Connecticut resident, Omar Thornton, earlier this week, were a tragedy no doubt, but they reveal what a lot of Blacks still face nowadays. Regardless of how the media, politicians and local and federal law enforcement spin it, racism is alive and well and it’s kicking as hard now as it has in the past. The difference now is that it’s masked infinitely better than it was back then. Before it was a little more blatant, but now they’ve found ways to continue the ignorance right in front of us!

When you think about it, we can only compare racism to one thing and that’s our crazy uncle. The same one no one wants to see or hear at get-together’s. At family gatherings, you try your best to make sure he isn’t invited and when you find out is, you hope he doesn’t make it. But if he does, you try to keep him away from everyone and/or handle him with kid gloves because if he starts talking, the truth about the family is revealed and you can’t shut him up; and since he’s an alcoholic, you blame everything he says on his drinking, yet you never speak on the truths he is revealing and instead sweep them under the rug.

Friday, August 6, 2010

Caroline Giuliani Must Be Punished

Earlier this week, the daughter of former New York City Mayor Rudy Giuliani, Caroline Giuliani, was arrested for shoplifting over a $100 worth of cosmetics from a Sephora store.
Can we say poetic justice?
As a born and bred New Yorker, I have seen the good, the bad and the ugly New York City has to offer. I remember when crime was so bad that it was common for people to be robbed in the day just as much as in the night. So when the former renegade prosecutor took a stance on defeating and eliminating crime in his quest for mayor, he probably won because people had had enough of it and understandably so.