OK, it's seems like it's now a daily occurrence that someone who follows me on Twitter or sends me an email, asks me to vote for them in some online contest or to vote for them so they can obtain a high number of votes to gain interest in some online contest. Nothing wrong with that cause this is the way of the world today. My problem is the method used or lack of thought placed into the solicitation!
Now, ever since I can remember, I've met the best rapper, artist, singer so many times and through so many people that whenever someone claims to be the best, they sound like Charlie Brown's teacher in my ears. Yeh, I'm used to that approach, so it's easy for me to tune people out when they claim to be the best. Only problem being is that they may be the best in their house or room, but that's besides the point. I get requests DEMANDING that I vote for someone or just based on their solicitation, I should automatically vote for them JUST because they requested! This will cause me to not only IGNORE the person and request, but it will make me make SURE I don't even go NEAR the site they are asking me to vote on!
Now, I know some of you reading this has done and will do this and I might be talking about you specifically, so take note to what I am writing! First off, I don't know YOU or your music, so why should I take precious seconds out of my already busy and hectic life, just to adhere to your demands because you found my name on Twitter? Also keep in mind that you are definitely not the only one bombarding me with such an inane request. You've never 'talked' to me on Twitter, let alone, read what I write and yet, because you need votes for a contest that will do nothing to advance your career, you hit me up with a link to vote for you? Does that even make any sense?
My advice? ASK me to check out your profile/song/page first to see if I would even listen to it and THEN, ask me if I like it, to vote for the song so that way it can stroke your fragile ego to win a contest that A & Rs don't even know or care about! THAT would go a long way to maybe gaining my attention and maybe, just maybe, if I do, first, actually go to the page and then actually listen to it and then, I may even like it enough to give you that vote you seek. Now wasn't that better than just sending the SAME damn link to everyone while having an online passive-aggressive attitude?
Oh, and for the idiot (yes, I wrote idiot!) Who called me a hater because I politely CED no when such a request was spammed to me, do some research before spewing dumb words because you never know who can help you get to the next level and not only that, other people read other people's Tweets that are sent to people and you may have alienated someone who may have even liked your stuff, but because you showed online ignorance, you blew a realistic chance at actually having a career outside the Twitter walls.
I'm just sayin'
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